Foreplay, I truly believe that most of the time, exciting foreplay is an essential precursor to great sex. There is however a way to ensure the road to loin quivering foreplay, be a smooth & sensational one. That way is massage, erotic massage to be precise. Erotic massage can be just as exciting & titillating as copulation itself. There are various different erotic massage techniques but none more stimulating than Nuru massage.
Nuru massage is a way of using a special gel which helps you to use your entire body as a massage tool. If you can imagine two naked bodies, glistening with moist sticky gel from neck to toe, slipping, sliding & writhing atop of one another. Moistening already wet crevices & orifices, using every part of the body as a sexual tool & finding new ways to tantalise through bodily massage.
Well if that all sounds delicious & divine then you might want to grab yourself an inflatable vinyl massage sheet. While this type of massage feels incredible, it is really messy & your average bedsheet just doesn’t cut it when you’re trying to protect your mattress from goo. So these inflatable vinyl sheets are just the thing for the job. Specially designed for Nuru massage, the sheet inflates to create a border that prevents spills, leaving your bed mess-free. The borders inflate to a really good height allowing you to get super wet, wild & adventurous. These vinyl sheets are also perfect for water sports (golden showers) & especially perfect for gifted squirters! I just find them ideal for the simple purpose of keeping my sheets clean & pristine during all kinds of sex play. If I don’t have to worry about laundry the next day, well that just leaves me free to frolic & play in whichever way my heart, well my pussy anyway, desires!
It's all about fun & games...
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Tags: Nuru massage